Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Study Journal 4

Oct. 27th
  • New technology and new business strategies can lead to problems in the market when people aren't used to them. The dot com bust is one example of this.
  • Investment bankers were eager to have people buy stocks through them, and they encouraged tech companies to open up their stock for sale before they had become established, because bankers profited off of sales regardless of how well the stock did. Some people took advantage of this and sold stock in companies that didn't do anything.
  • Insider groups tend to take advantage of markets when they have the opportunity to do so.

Oct.  29th
  • The advent of computers has provided a lot of advantages in terms of communication and data management, but it also has its downsides, like providing anonymity for hateful groups or individuals or promoting anti-social tendencies.
  • With new technology, there's a danger of losing sight of what we considered important before we had that technology.
  • The subcultures that develop in online forums are often examples of how technology becomes mythic, because they tend to take the internet for granted and don't consider what life would be like without it.

Nov. 3rd
  • Access to the internet for more people around the world could be an economic equalizer because people would have easier access to information they could use for business purposes.
  • Although television used to have a big impact on public opinion, some of its influence has been lost because of the rising use of the Internet and social media.
  • Because technology can change the whole fabric of society, we should be careful about how we implement it and allow it to take hold in a society.

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